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Master Bubyna

Artis Rubuļniks


Birth. 1991 works in the musical association DZILNA (founded in 2019, works in Riga)

The woodworker and carpenter make bubynus by individual order, where the customer indicates the required tool dimensions.

Bubyns (one of the options):

  • the frame of plywood, which is wrapped on a previously made template, glued several layers, painted - diameter 40 cm, height 9 cm, cut into the frame for plates 6 cm;

  • leather - raw calfskin (with or without hair). As a result of the game, the hair goes off over time. 

  • plates (offered by the customer or bought in the store (removed from plastic tambourine)) - diameter 4 cm, distance between the centers of the plates 14 cm;   

  • stick - with a wider upper part, approx. 15 cm - 17 cm long.

Jautājumi par bubyna meistarklasēm, apmācībām, pakalpojums bubyna ritma izveide izvēlētajam skaņdarbam u.c. 

Tālr. nr. +37128651581


Artis Rubuļniks, IK "Tonitroi Art",

Maskavas Street 24-77,

Rezekne, LV-4604


Artis Rubuļniks

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Birth. 1995 works in folklore group GRODI (founded in 1987, works in Riga)

The woodworker and carpenter make bubynus by individual order, where the customer indicates the required tool dimensions.

Bubyns (one of the options):

  • the frame of plywood, which is wrapped on a previously made template, glued several layers, painted - diameter 40 cm, height 9 cm, cut into the frame for plates 6 cm;

  • leather - raw calfskin (with or without hair). As a result of the game, the hair goes off over time. 

  • plates (offered by the customer or bought in the store (removed from plastic tambourine)) - diameter 4 cm, distance between the centers of the plates 14 cm;   

  • stick - with a wider upper part, approx. 15 cm - 17 cm long.

Artis Rubuļniks, IK "Tonitroi Art",

Maskavas Street 24-77,

Rezekne, LV-4604


Artis Rubuļniks


Birth. 2005 works together with folklore friends VĪTERI (founded in 2005, works in Rēzekne)

The woodworker and carpenter make bubynus by individual order, where the customer indicates the required tool dimensions.

Bubyns (one of the options):

  • the frame of plywood, which is wrapped on a previously made template, glued several layers, painted - diameter 40 cm, height 9 cm, cut into the frame for plates 6 cm;

  • leather - raw calfskin (with or without hair). As a result of the game, the hair goes off over time. 

  • plates (offered by the customer or bought in the store (removed from plastic tambourine)) - diameter 4 cm, distance between the centers of the plates 14 cm;   

  • stick - with a wider upper part, approx. 15 cm - 17 cm long.

Artis Rubuļniks, IK "Tonitroi Art",

Maskavas Street 24-77,

Rezekne, LV-4604


Dzim. 1995.g. darbojas folkloras kopā GRODI (dibināta 1987. g., darbojas Rīgā).

Artis Rubuļniks


Birth. 1971 works in folklore group ABRA (founded in 2005, operates in Vidzeme)

The woodworker and carpenter make bubynus by individual order, where the customer indicates the required tool dimensions.

Bubyns (one of the options):

  • the frame of plywood, which is wrapped on a previously made template, glued several layers, painted - diameter 40 cm, height 9 cm, cut into the frame for plates 6 cm;

  • leather - raw calfskin (with or without hair). As a result of the game, the hair goes off over time. 

  • plates (offered by the customer or bought in the store (removed from plastic tambourine)) - diameter 4 cm, distance between the centers of the plates 14 cm;   

  • stick - with a wider upper part, approx. 15 cm - 17 cm long.

Artis Rubuļniks, IK "Tonitroi Art",

Maskavas Street 24-77,

Rezekne, LV-4604


Artis Rubuļniks


Birth. 1978 works in dance folklore group DANDARI (founded in 1980, works in Riga)

The woodworker and carpenter make bubynus by individual order, where the customer indicates the required tool dimensions.

Bubyns (one of the options):

  • the frame of plywood, which is wrapped on a previously made template, glued several layers, painted - diameter 40 cm, height 9 cm, cut into the frame for plates 6 cm;

  • leather - raw calfskin (with or without hair). As a result of the game, the hair goes off over time. 

  • plates (offered by the customer or bought in the store (removed from plastic tambourine)) - diameter 4 cm, distance between the centers of the plates 14 cm;   

  • stick - with a wider upper part, approx. 15 cm - 17 cm long.

Photo, video author: Andris Rutkovskis, 2021

Artis Rubuļniks


Birth. 1965 works in folklore group JOSTA (founded in 2014, operates in Lielvārde, Ogre region)

The woodworker and carpenter make bubynus by individual order, where the customer indicates the required tool dimensions.

Bubyns (one of the options):

  • the frame of plywood, which is wrapped on a previously made template, glued several layers, painted - diameter 40 cm, height 9 cm, cut into the frame for plates 6 cm;

  • leather - raw calfskin (with or without hair). As a result of the game, the hair goes off over time. 

  • plates (offered by the customer or bought in the store (removed from plastic tambourine)) - diameter 4 cm, distance between the centers of the plates 14 cm;   

  • stick - with a wider upper part, approx. 15 cm - 17 cm long.

Photo, video author: archive of the association "Skaņumāja", 2021

Artis Rubuļniks

Inga Holsta bubins.jpg

Birth. 1987 works in folk dance group DANDARI (founded in 1980, works in Riga)

The woodworker and carpenter make bubynus by individual order, where the customer indicates the required tool dimensions.

Bubyns (one of the options):

  • the frame of plywood, which is wrapped on a previously made template, glued several layers, painted - diameter 40 cm, height 9 cm, cut into the frame for plates 6 cm;

  • leather - raw calfskin (with or without hair). As a result of the game, the hair goes off over time. 

  • plates (offered by the customer or bought in the store (removed from plastic tambourine)) - diameter 4 cm, distance between the centers of the plates 14 cm;   

  • stick - with a wider upper part, approx. 15 cm - 17 cm long.

Artis Rubuļniks

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Birth. 1960 works in folklore group URGAS (founded in 2005, operates in Koknese, Aizkraukle region)

The woodworker and carpenter make bubynus by individual order, where the customer indicates the required tool dimensions.

Bubyns (one of the options):

  • the frame of plywood, which is wrapped on a previously made template, glued several layers, painted - diameter 40 cm, height 9 cm, cut into the frame for plates 6 cm;

  • leather - raw calfskin (with or without hair). As a result of the game, the hair goes off over time. 

  • plates (offered by the customer or bought in the store (removed from plastic tambourine)) - diameter 4 cm, distance between the centers of the plates 14 cm;   

  • stick - with a wider upper part, approx. 15 cm - 17 cm long.

Photo, video author: Estere Vingre, Lidija Kraukle, 2021.

Artis Rubuļniks

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Birth. 1970 folk music group SĒĻU MUIŽA MUZIKANTI (founded in 2015, works in Sēļi, Valmiera region)

The woodworker and carpenter make bubynus by individual order, where the customer indicates the required tool dimensions.

Bubyns (one of the options):

  • the frame of plywood, which is wrapped on a previously made template, glued several layers, painted - diameter 40 cm, height 9 cm, cut into the frame for plates 6 cm;

  • leather - raw calfskin (with or without hair). As a result of the game, the hair goes off over time. 

  • plates (offered by the customer or bought in the store (removed from plastic tambourine)) - diameter 4 cm, distance between the centers of the plates 14 cm;   

  • stick - with a wider upper part, approx. 15 cm - 17 cm long.

Artis Rubuļniks, IK "Tonitroi Art",

Maskavas Street 24-77,

Rezekne, LV-4604


Artis Rubuļniks


Birth. 2000 folk music group SĒĻU MUIŽA MUZIKANTI (founded in 2015, works in Sēļi, Valmiera region)

The woodworker and carpenter make bubynus by individual order, where the customer indicates the required tool dimensions.

Bubyns (one of the options):

  • the frame of plywood, which is wrapped on a previously made template, glued several layers, painted - diameter 40 cm, height 9 cm, cut into the frame for plates 6 cm;

  • leather - raw calfskin (with or without hair). As a result of the game, the hair goes off over time. 

  • plates (offered by the customer or bought in the store (removed from plastic tambourine)) - diameter 4 cm, distance between the centers of the plates 14 cm;   

  • stick - with a wider upper part, approx. 15 cm - 17 cm long.

Video: J. Slokenbergas arhīvs

Artis Rubuļniks

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Video: I.Dukaļskas arhīvs

Artis Rubuļniks

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Birth. 2011 Rūjiena, Valmiera district.

I started learning to play Bubyn when I was 5 years old. I learned the basic skills of playing the instrument by working in the folklore group SĒLENE, led by Iveta Dukaļska. I have also studied in the workshops of teacher Zane Dukalska.

Artis Rubuļniks

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Birth. 2009 works in Jaunpiebalga folklore group PIEBALDZĒNI (founded in 2010, works in Jaunpiebalga parish, Cēsis region)

The woodworker and carpenter make bubynus by individual order, where the customer indicates the required tool dimensions.

Bubyns (one of the options):

  • the frame of plywood, which is wrapped on a previously made template, glued several layers, painted - diameter 40 cm, height 9 cm, cut into the frame for plates 6 cm;

  • leather - raw calfskin (with or without hair). As a result of the game, the hair goes off over time. 

  • plates (offered by the customer or bought in the store (removed from plastic tambourine)) - diameter 4 cm, distance between the centers of the plates 14 cm;   

  • stick - with a wider upper part, approx. 15 cm - 17 cm long.

Photo, video author: Ieva Damroze, 2021

Artis Rubuļniks


Bubynu spēlē Etno kompānijā „Zeidi”, kas dibināta 2017.g., darbojas Rīgā.

The woodworker and carpenter make bubynus by individual order, where the customer indicates the required tool dimensions.

Bubyns (one of the options):

  • the frame of plywood, which is wrapped on a previously made template, glued several layers, painted - diameter 40 cm, height 9 cm, cut into the frame for plates 6 cm;

  • leather - raw calfskin (with or without hair). As a result of the game, the hair goes off over time. 

  • plates (offered by the customer or bought in the store (removed from plastic tambourine)) - diameter 4 cm, distance between the centers of the plates 14 cm;   

  • stick - with a wider upper part, approx. 15 cm - 17 cm long.

Video author: Dacīte Beķere, Dace Smirnova, 2021.

Artis Rubuļniks


Birth. 1965 operates in the folklore chapel KARIKSTE  (founded in 2012, operates in Sunākste, Aizkraukle region)

I studied Bubyna's game with teacher Rimas Garsoniene (Lithuania).

Photo, video author: P.Ukrina archive, 2021.

Artis Rubuļniks


Birth. 1965 works folklore together ILŽA  (founded in 1990, operates in Cibla, Ludza region)

The woodworker and carpenter make bubynus by individual order, where the customer indicates the required tool dimensions.

Bubyns (one of the options):

  • the frame of plywood, which is wrapped on a previously made template, glued several layers, painted - diameter 40 cm, height 9 cm, cut into the frame for plates 6 cm;

  • leather - raw calfskin (with or without hair). As a result of the game, the hair goes off over time. 

  • plates (offered by the customer or bought in the store (removed from plastic tambourine)) - diameter 4 cm, distance between the centers of the plates 14 cm;   

  • stick - with a wider upper part, approx. 15 cm - 17 cm long.

Artis Rubuļniks

Sandra Lipska_Skaņumājas muzikanti_edited.jpg

Birth. 1968 works in the chapel “Musicians of the Sound House (founded in 2016 in Krape Parish, Ogre Region).

The woodworker and carpenter make bubynus by individual order, where the customer indicates the required tool dimensions.

Bubyns (one of the options):

  • the frame of plywood, which is wrapped on a previously made template, glued several layers, painted - diameter 40 cm, height 9 cm, cut into the frame for plates 6 cm;

  • leather - raw calfskin (with or without hair). As a result of the game, the hair goes off over time. 

  • plates (offered by the customer or bought in the store (removed from plastic tambourine)) - diameter 4 cm, distance between the centers of the plates 14 cm;   

  • stick - with a wider upper part, approx. 15 cm - 17 cm long.

Artis Rubuļniks, IK "Tonitroi Art",

Maskavas Street 24-77,

Rezekne, LV-4604


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